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East York Baseball Association

Umping Protocol and Procedures

Umping Protocol and Procedures at East York

Umpire Room
There is an Umpire Room available in the clubhouse for umpires to use to change and store their belongings. It is generally available for use when the snackbar is open. Everyone is expected to clean up after themselves. Failure to do so may result in loss of opportunities to continue to umpire. EYBA does not accept any responsibility for any loss or stolen items.

Pay Structure
If you are working house league you will get paid after each game at the snack bar after signing the sheet that will be provided by whoever is working that night. If you are umping Select or Rep, you get paid from the team coach or manager, before the start of the game.
For house league games worked alone, you will receive 1.5x the regular rate.
For select and rep games worked alone, you will receive 2x the regular rate.

Cell Phone Usage
This will be the main method of communication with you, besides Goalline. Please be sure to check it on a regular basis. If you are on your way and going to be late, text or call!!

Cell phones are not to be seen or used on the diamond. For time checks please have a watch available to check. If anyone is noticed using their phone during a game, you will be spoken to. As per the OBA, you may lose your umpire accreditation for the season if you are caught using a cell phone.

There are no metal cleats allowed in any division in House League; in any division below 15U in Select; and in any division below 14U in Rep.

You are expected to know the rules for the level of game that you are working. House League rules vary slightly from division to division and then again from Select to Rep. They are all available on the website, or on the Baseball Ontario site for Rep & Select. Be sure to know them before each game (i.e., rules for the path, changes for Diamond 2 left field and centre field from 11U to 13U to 15U).

8U/9U Games
The umpire is expected to put the machine away in the closest job box. The lock stays unlocked throughout the evening until you lock it after your game.  If you are working on diamond 3 or 5 do not lock the box if the other game has not finished.

Please confirm before your game with the field crew if available, or the Umpire-in-Chief, whether you are to leave the bases in or put them away in the closest job box.

If you are umping a select or rep game on the weekend there may be a game after you so please check.

If you are umping a House League game on Diamond 2 remember to move the bases back to U15/U18 holes for the late game.

Umpiring at Dieppe and Greenwood
This is for Rep and Select games only. The coaches will put away whatever equipment is required to be put away. If you are umping at Greenwood there will be a $10 travel bonus because of the distance needed to travel.

EYBA does not keep umpire equipment at either Dieppe or Greenwood. If you are assigned a game at either park and need equipment you will need to retrieve some from Stan Wadlow.

Inclement Weather Protocol (and payment)
If you hear thunder, you are to leave the fields. This is for everyone’s safety. These weather conditions can be very unpredictable and change very quickly. If you hear thunder but see no lightning it is OBA policy to leave the field. If you see lightning, but hear no thunder, use your discretion but if in doubt, leave the field immediately. If it is very far away, you may have some time or you can clear the field immediately. If the lightning is getting closer or is right overhead or even anywhere within the vicinity of the park clear the field immediately. This is your call, not the coaches. You will consult with your partner, or another EYBA executive member that will always be in the park for all levels of game.

DO NOT LEAVE THE PARK or call the game at that point. You are to wait 30 minutes. If the weather clears up, resume the game. If the game has just started and the bad weather starts, make the teams wait longer. If you hear or see lightning within that initial 30 minutes, the 30 minute period starts from the beginning. House league games do not get rescheduled and it is very hard to reschedule Select and Rep games due to the volume of games and lack of diamond time. Do your very best to get the game in.

For house league games, if the game has started you will get your full fee. If the game has not started and is then cancelled shortly before start time you may receive partial a payment of your fee.

Game Cancellations (and payment)
Coaches and managers are to advise the Umpire-in-Chief as soon as possible if a game is going to be cancelled. As soon as that is communicated, it will be communicated to the umpires by text and/or email. If you are already at the park, and the game is cancelled within 30 minutes of game time you will get paid your full amount. If it is cancelled more than 30 minutes before game time there is no payment.

Start Time/Arrival Time
House League - You are expected to be at the park no later than 20 minutes before the start of the game. If this will not be possible, you are expected to text or call the Umpire-in-Chief. From May to the end of July the start time for house league games is 6:30pm. In August, the start time for U8 thru 13U changes to 6:15pm and for 15U/18U start time changes to 8:30pm because we lose the light earlier.

Rep & Select - You are expected to arrive 30 minutes before the start of the game. Again, if this will not be possible, you are expected to text or call the Umpire-in-Chief. There can be occasions where there are last minutes changes or problems with umps so you need to be available in case last minutes changes occur between games.

IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE to arrive at the diamond right at start time or just before the game starts. Every umpire must be at the diamond prior to start time. Each game is required to start when scheduled. There may be an occasion when that is not possible due to a prior game or weather, but to accomplish on time games, you need to arrive on the field at least 5-10 minutes before start time. This allows for time to have the coaches clear the field and get ready to start.

Calling Last Inning
The main thing to remember here is to let the players play as much ball for as long as possible. This is your call, not the coaches. Also, please remember that these players only get to play once a week, and if there’s a rainout in there it could be some time before they get to play. Please keep that in mind when calling last inning.

Also, if the called last inning finishes before 8:30pm or (8:15pm in August) it is ok to start another inning. If it does not get finished, the score will revert to the previous inning. That is ok.

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