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East York Baseball Association

Player Request Policy

There continues to be an extreme number of play-together requests by parents for their players. In some cases, the number of requests is outnumbering the number of players, and accommodation of the requests has led to an increased workload for our volunteer convenors. This also can result in an imbalance in teams.

The volunteer convenors will do their best to accommodate one mutual friend request per player. That is a player may request one friend and that friend must reciprocate the request. Select players may not enter a play-together request of another select player.

Additionally, siblings will be placed on the same team unless requested otherwise; volunteer Coaches will have their child(ren) on their team; and the sponsor's child(ren) will be on the team they sponsor (unless requested otherwise).

Establishing balanced teams is an important goal of the East York Baseball Association. Having an enjoyable experience for players across the league supersedes any individual preferences parents or players may have.

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